Design Tools: What tools are used? One subject that has not addressed yet is the question of design tools: That is, what tools are used by designers to create theme park attractions?
Photoshop is an invaluable tool in the creation of theme park attractions. Every show set designer should have at least a rudimentary working knowledge of photoshop. The beauty of this program is that like any computer program, it allows you to correct mistakes. Many of us remember the ‘old days’ when we would draw and redraw on a single piece of paper. The paper was handld with care but was usually ripped or muddied in transit to a design presentation. After several weeks of using the drawing, it usually was lined with sweat droplets and ringed with coffee stains. Photoshop presents an invaluable solution because virtually any aspect of a drawing can be enhanced or retouched.
Recently, with the improvement of tablet devices, designers have been skipping paper altogether and painting completely on the screen. It is clear that paint and pencil are being phased out, especially as these online tools become more user friendly and intuitive.
Below you see a site plan created by ITEC Productions (theme park design) . The original site plan was probably drawn in pencil and then rendered in photoshop. Visitors to this site: Please go visit and give them some business. (Thanks for not suing us, Bill!)
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