ThemedAttraction is commited to creating a brige between academia and the themed entertainment – visitor attractions business.

TEAAS call for proposals

Themed Experience and Attractions Academic Symposium Call for Proposals: (Due Friday, September 9, 2022) Event: Friday, November 18, 2022 9:00AM-4:45PM Orange County Convention Center, Orlando FL USA It is a pleasure to invite you to the fifth annual Themed Experience and Attractions Academic Society (TEAAS) scholarly symposium focused on themed experience and attractions. The symposium…

Storyteller: Bridging Cultural Differences Through Shared Experiences (A Digital, Audio and Visual, Travel Companion Experience Platform)

This is my MFA thesis. In it, I address the initial opportunity and preliminary concept for a global- scale, geolocation capable, storytelling application that will be an individualised, themed, Augmented Reality experience, incorporating the Oral Traditions, stories, and music from Indigenous Cultures and local peoples in their own source languages and translating them into the guest’s language of choice as they are walking, riding, or otherwise moving throughout the environment. This application will also double as a travel tool, allowing the content user to select from items in an informational mode, incorporating different icons, attractions, food and beverage offerings, hotels, festivals, events, etc. Finally, the guest will be able navigate through the application remotely and hear all of the curated stories and music from the comfort of their own home or classroom, with gamification that allows the guest to better understand and connect with the global community during times where travel isn’t an option.

The Effects of Social Dynamics in Immersive Experiences

Immersive experiences have surged in popularity across many different sectors of the economy as industries have shifted away from traditional goods and services and toward opportunities for customer engagement with a brand or institution. These interactions can take place across a spectrum of social dynamics, which this paper will quantify based on the types of relationships and levels of agency that individuals encounter in an experience—group active, group passive, individual active, and individual passive. In doing so, this paper aims to investigate how these social dynamics impact the factors of immersion previously outlined by looking towards examples of existing immersive experiences.

2020 Themed Experience and Attractions Academic Symposium Open Call for Proposals, Accuracy in Amusement Ride Safety Reporting, & Students Build a Dark Ride from Scratch

Each year international scholars from a variety of disciplines assemble during the final day of the IAAPA expo to exchange ideas, enhance research, and debate intricacies of the blending of art and science in themed environments and attractions. The Themed Entertainment and Attractions Academic Symposium (TEAAS) includes oral research presentation sessions and poster exhibitions relevant…

Non-linear Storytelling, Fantawild Oriental Heritage, and Service Robots: Summary of 2019 IAAPA Expo Themed Experience and Attractions Academic Symposium (TEAAS) – Part 2

Summary – Earlier this month highlighted research presentations on dark rides, perceptions of theme park crowding, and immersion-as-inhabitation known as scenographic storytelling from the Themed Experience and Attractions Academic Society (TEAAS) 2nd annual symposium sponsored by the IAAPA Foundation. The symposium includes oral research presentation sessions and poster exhibitions relevant to themed experience and attractions.…

Announcing the Themed Attraction Student Showcase

Important: Please continue to check this post for updated information. We will add to this post as more information comes available. Introduction exists to inform, encourage, educate, and expand the themed entertainment / location based entertainment / attractions industry. We are pleased to announce the inaugural “Themed Attraction Student Showcase” for the 2020/21 academic…

Themed Entertainment and Attractions Academic Society (TEAAS) Unveils Dedicated Society Website and Announces Partnership with Student Showcase and Speaker Series

On the final Friday of the IAPPA Expo, the Themed Experience & Attractions Academic Society (TEAAS) gathers to “enhance communication between themed experience and attractions researchers and educators”. Despite challenges associated with the Coronavirus, on November 20th, 2020, the TEAAS conducted a modified virtual symposium via Zoom. Unlike previous gatherings (which feature a series of…

Dark Rides, Crowding, and Scenographic Storyworlds: Summary of 2019 IAAPA Expo Themed Experience and Attractions Academic Symposium (TEAAS) – Part 1

On November 22, 2019, the Themed Experience and Attractions Academic Society (TEAAS) held its 2nd annual symposium sponsored by the IAAPA Foundation. The symposium includes oral research presentation sessions and poster exhibitions relevant to themed experience and attractions. TEAAS promotes the open access publication of scholarly research. This year nine oral presentations focused on tourism…

Theming the Thrills

A study into the use of theming and design as a marketing medium to enhance the visitor experience at theme parks. RJ Cumberworth BA (Hons) Leisure Management Birmingham College of Food, Tourism & Creative Studies March 2001 Preface & Acknowledgement The topic of theming and design at theme parks has been chosen due to a…