How do you integrate fiber optic lighting into concrete?
I am very interested in learning about the fiber-optic lighted pavement features at Epcot Center. Where can I get information about this type of light feature?
I’d appreciate any help. Thanks
– Joseph
For any fiber optic application, there are basically three components:
1) The illuminator. This is the light source. You can purchase these online or through a theatrical lighting distributor.
2) The color wheel. This is a machine that rotates a colored gel in between the illuminator and the bundle of tubing. The color wheel is generally arranged so that two or possibly even three colors are lit at once.
3) The bundle of fiber optic tubing. The tubes are packed together at the source so that light is shot into several hundred tubes at once.
From the source, the tubes in the bundle and then split and run to their final location apart from each other. When it comes to setting them in concrete, you essentially get the entire design set up before you pour the concrete. The fiber optic tubing is set in the proper place, but they are left with several extra inches hanging over. After the concrete is poured the tubes are clipped to their proper length (flush with the concrete). The result?
A cool design integrated into the pavement at EPCOT Future World, or wherever you desire.
Nate Naversen
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