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About Me
Hi, I'm Rob, graphic designer Embodied Interaction- & UX designer. I live and work in Antwerp. I like to describe myself as a creative mind who is serious about his work, but always keeps the playful side of everything in mind. With knowledge of different 3D software packages as well as experience in photo processing, graphic design, design and endless creativity I can help you in all your Visual Design, User Experiences and Integrated Product Development.
User experience and Concept Designer
My story

Unlike most 23-year-old men, but like every 13-year-old, I have only one birthday wish: a trip to a theme-park. I love the magic that can be experienced in themed environments, I’m endlessly fascinated by the immersion created in themed entertainment and am completely baffled by the level of design in themed environments. My mind tries and succeeds in comprehending the use of new and old technology, storytelling, rides, … to create an over the top user experience created in themed environments.
As an industrial designer, I specialise in embodied user interaction design, tangible design and concept design. With this specialisation I’m currently looking for a job in an industry where the interaction doesn’t stop with the single product a user uses, but continues throughout the whole environment the user is located in. While on a trip to Phantasialand three years ago I had a big revelation: the industry I’m looking for is the theme park design industry.

Current Company & Position
Antwerp Belgium
College / University / School
University Of Antwerp
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