I am delighted to announce the publication of my new book, “Integrated Storytelling by Design” as of July 7, and that my very own print copy just arrived from Routledge / Focal Press / Taylor & Francis.
This book amasses insights, principles, tools and methods from years of exploration and discovery as a story experience creator, lecturer and facilitator. Everyone who has ever attended a workshop, course a masterclass has given me input and inspiration to put this together, regardless of where they were in their careers. I hope the book will play a role for the many talented people who will drive the next generation of story experience creations.
In the words of the publisher from the book product page:
This pioneering work equips you with the skills needed to create and design powerful stories and concepts for interactive, digital, multi-platform storytelling and experience design that will take audience engagement to the next level.
Klaus Sommer Paulsen presents a bold new vision of what storytelling can become if it is reinvented as an audience-centric design method. His practices unlock new ways of combining story with experience for a variety of existing, new and upcoming platforms. Merging theory and practice, storytelling and design principles, this innovative toolkit instructs the next generation of creators on how to successfully balance narratives, design and digital innovation to develop strategies and concepts that both apply and transcend current technology.
Packed with theory and exercises intended to unlock new narrative dimensions, Integrated Storytelling by Design is a must-read for creative professionals looking to shape the future of themed, branded and immersive experiences.
If or when you have read the book, please let me know if you agree with this description. You can always reach me via KlausSommerPaulsen.com, where you can also get connected with me on LinkedIn. I invite everyone with an interest in integrated storytelling, themed entertainment, branded experiences and similar topics to do so.
I have been blessed with having a great group of people supporting me in this achievement. Including AdventureLAB team members, Taylor & Francis editors and peer reviewers, everyone on the extended Integrated Storytelling by Design team deserves part of the credit. Thank You!
For more information and to order the book, please visit IntegratedStorytelling.com
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