Time Odyssey: A Choice-Based Adventure through Time. By Josué Thur de Koos.
There is a wide range of platforms that offer users the ability to enhance immersion by granting them the power to make impactful decisions with consequences within the narrative. Examples include role-playing and board games like Dungeons and Dragons, where the game master presents situations and players have multiple paths to choose from, each with different rewards or consequences. Another example is the Mass Effect saga, a video game series that allows players to shape the narrative and the path of the main character. Even movies and streaming content like Black Mirror’s Bandersnatch offer viewers the opportunity to determine the direction of the story and the protagonist’s journey.
These experiences strive to establish an immersive environment that allows users to genuinely engage with the story and exert a tangible influence on its outcome. Theme parks, in particular, have gained immense popularity as they provide individuals with the opportunity to break away from the ordinary and immerse themselves in captivating narratives. However, it is intriguing to acknowledge that the implementation of choice-based entertainment in theme parks has not yet been fully realized. It remains an untapped potential, waiting to be unlocked… at least for now.
My name is Josué Thur de Koos, and I am an architect from Quito, Ecuador. What you are about to experience is my thesis project, completed in pursuit of my Master of Science in Architectural Studies, with a concentration on themed environment integration. This project was undertaken during the fall of 2022.
The project comprises an original story that I developed, blending together hand-drawn sketches, original renders, and digital paintings. To enhance certain visuals and aid in narrating the videos, I utilized AI tools as well. The end result is an interactive storyboard that offers you the opportunity to embark on your own chosen path, with both rewards and consequences. Without any further delay, welcome to your Time Odyssey.
Your adventure begins:
Decision 1:
Proceed towards the city: Past: Decision 2-AÂ Â
Proceed towards Kraken: Past: Decision 2-BÂ Â
Explore the city: Future: Decision 2-A
Proceed towards the Tree: Future: Decision 2-B
Decision 2:
Destroy Jewel: Past: Decision 3-AÂ
Rescue Atlantis: Past: Decision 3-BÂ Â
Rescue Atlantis: Past: Decision 3-B
Arrest Recruits: Past: Decision 3-CÂ
Rescue Creature: Future: Decision 3-A
Take Battery: Future: Decision 3-B
Take Jewel Fragment: Future: Decision 3-B
Repair Jewel: Future: Decision 3-C
Decision 3:
Thank you very much for your attention. It is my hope that you have derived as much enjoyment from this adventure as I did during its development.
LinkedIn:Â http://www.linkedin.com/in/josue-thur-de-koos
Contact: designsjt4@gmail.com
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