Welcome to Triplo Colpo
Experience the atmosphere of Venice and the rush of a dueling getaway!
Design Team
- Trey Cristobal
- Austin Wright
- Antoine Kepczyk
- Kaylee Petersen
- Samuel Moore
Project Information
TPEAD 2022 Student Showcase Presentation
- Concept
- Characters
- Land Lore & Background
- Ride Story
- Attraction Design
- Attraction Scenes
- Special Effects
- Operations
- Dining Options
- Shopping
- Estimated Cost
Important Media
Map of the Venice themed land where Triplo Colpo is located
Conceptual layout for the three tracks of Triplo Colpo
Concept art for Triplo Colpo’s Air Vehicle
Concept art for Triplo Colpo’s Land Vehicle
Thank you for checking out Triplo Colpo!
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